i have about a million things to accomplish within my lifetime. skills to learn, places to see languages to attain, books to read, films to watch, instruments to play, people to meet, trees to climb and oceans to emerge myself in. so so so much, these things that shape my life and trace my shadow mimicing my energy- and scream now! and one of these things is to learn how to skateboard. and gosh darnit it all to hell, it will be done! im welcoming the scraps and bruises cause i dont think i have any choice. and its exciting!
Its true, New Zealand really does have some of the best damn musicians in the world! and fly my pretties are no exception. collaborating our top performers to strive message's of sustainability, peace and love for man and nature alike. i hope to see more from these guys in the future. i also love their fantails. just gorgeous. tattoo perhaps? thoughts are much obliged. tu meke!